Final call for applications – Accountability for Water Masterclass

Deadline: Midnight EAT, Sunday 29th November, 2020. 

Please submit your CV and 1-side cover letter to apply, and/or share this with colleagues who may be interested.

Who can apply to the programme?
We are looking for mid-career leaders in the water security or WASH sector – whether working for part of the government, an NGO, private sector, research institute or other. Focus country are Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya, but applications from elsewhere in Africa are also welcome. 

The training will entail 2 hours online seminars between 11am and 1pm EAT once per week for 9 weeks, plus 1-2 hours additional materials to be completed at any other time each week. 

The training is free but space is limited – participants will be selected based on applications that show strong motivation to work on accountability, relevant skills and experience, and potential to proceed to the Professional Research Fellowship programme.

The masterclass will build knowledge and understanding of accountability in the water sector, and research methods. Completion will be recognised by a certificate of attainment.

The learning will be structured to support the preparation of a research proposal to submit for  the Professional Research Fellow (PRF) grant, so if you think you might want to submit a proposal for this programme you are strongly encouraged to apply for the training. The PRF research grant is for your employer to support you to complete research (supported by the programme with training, mentoring and research costs)  within your scope of work, during your normal hours of employment. (Approximately 90 days over 18 months).  It will therefore be important that you will be supported by your employer to proceed with the PRF part of the programme. Find out more about the programme here:

1-side cover letters should include a very brief summary of:

  1. Your current role and how it relates to accountability in water
  2. Whether you have discussed the opportunity within your organisation and have support to engage during the working day / develop a research proposal
  3. What research question or area (related to accountability for water) you think is important and would be interested to investigate.