Monthly Archive February 2019

Open for Applications: Newton International Fellowships

The Newton International Fellowships are funded by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to ensure that the UK engages with the world’s most promising early career academics. Newton International Fellowships are awarded jointly by three of the UK’s national research academies – the Royal Society, the British Academy and the Academy of […]

Pedagogical Training Workshop

PedaL is a suite of intentional and integrated interventions in design, context, processes, and content of teaching and learning aimed at maximizing learning outcomes among students. The PedaL curriculum was developed around the innovative teaching tools (pedagogical strategies) of the collaborative Master of Research and Public Policy (MRPP): case study teaching, role plays, simulations, flipped […]

Second Doctoral Design Workshop

PASGR has commenced designing a new doctoral initiative with a multidisciplinary focus on public policy as well as social science research methods. The design process was informed by the findings of a scoping study on the doctoral provision on the continent undertaken by PASGR in 2016. The first doctoral design workshop was held on September 5-7, […]

NYU Postdoctoral Opportunity

The CSAAD Research Fellowship invites scholars based and living in Africa and the Diaspora ( outside of North America and Europe), and who have completed the terminal degree in their field, to submit applications for the opportunity to spend either one or two semesters at New York University. While the fellowship is open to all […]

Teaching in universities won’t be the same

Something exciting is happening in higher education in Africa. Unlike basic education where the curriculum is centralized and often changed at whim, higher education curriculum tends to be stabilized for a longer time. Universities also have the right to select what to teach, who to teach and how to teach. But in there lies the […]