Monthly Archive September 2018

African scholars explore new learning methods for sector’s growth

“Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning how to learn”-Loris Malaguzzi African scholars explore new methods for sector’s growth This has been re-posted from:  

PASGR does it again!

Design of a Doctoral Programme in Pursuit for Academic Excellence: Another First from PASGR to Africa In the world that is becoming, there are no trades. There are just problems to be solved, opportunities to be taken advantage of and to disrupt: to be critically evaluated, and then to be ignited by an idea that […]

Boost for social science education in African universities

African universities need a systematic change in teaching and learning approaches to help lecturers deal with growing student numbers and inadequate facilities, and to produce graduates who can make meaningful contributions in today’s knowledge-based economies. PedaL Press Release