Monthly Archive March 2019

Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL) Training in Uganda

The PedaL training was co-hosted by Uganda Martyrs University and Uganda Christian University. Both Universities have had a long-standing relationship with the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR). The two Universities are currently part of a partnership of 11 other universities across 7 African countries that offer the collaborative Master of Research and Public […]

Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund (IBEX)

We are pleased to announce that The Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund (IBEX) Spring 2019 Competition is now accepting applications for events/exchanges falling between September 2019 and January 2020. The Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund (IBEX) offers opportunities to attend a global biocultural event/exchange or a meeting of international significance which impacts the applicants’ home territory or region.  […]