Capacity Building for Research Leadership: The Need, Support and Strategies for Growing African Research Leaders

Authors: Francis Owusu, Ezekiel Kalipeni and Joy Mueni Maina Kiiru
Year: 2014
Type: PASGR Commissioned Study

The role of good research leaders is pivotal – they lead and support research efforts; they manage other researchers and project staff; they are primarily responsible for acquiring project funding; they are often the vocal cheerleaders; and they help sustain an energy that cultivates a can-do team mentality.  Good research leaders also contribute vision in the fast-changing research environment as well as motivate and guide researchers and other project staff through these changes, while stimulating innovation and creativity.

This PASGR-commissioned study sought to expand understanding of the state of research leadership in social science and policy research in Africa, and to help identify the capacity needs for such training.


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