Social protection in Africa: A review of social protection issues in research

Authors: Rebecca Holmes and Charles Lwanga-Ntale
Year: 2012
Type: PASGR scoping study

This paper provides an overview of the current policy, practice and knowledge on social protection in Africa through a governance lens intended to inform the development of PASGR’s research policy theme on social protection.

First, the paper identifies what constitutes “social protection” as viewed by African research and policy actors and the extent to which there appears to be an ‘African consensus’ on defining components of social protection as explicitly as possible in terms of functional policy or programme activities.

Second, the paper reviews the “policy prevalence” across the defined components of social protection sufficient to identify trends and commonalities among the policy priorities of African governments, i.e. which areas of social protection are occupying the most policy attention evidenced by legislative or programme action rather than statements of intent.

Finally, the paper summarises the available research and policy literature in each of the component areas of social protection.  An annotated bibliography is provided as an Annex.

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